God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous,” Luke 14:13-14 (NIV). Jesus taught us the value of blessing the needy. This is another example of God’s promise to make everything more than fair one day. People naturally focus on the benefits they will receive in this life. Those who are wealthy, influential or talented usually receive more benefits than others. But Jesus promises that God will repay our good deeds, including blessing the needy, with eternal rewards. Ephesians 6:8 promises: “The Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do” (NIV). This destroys all natural human calculations! Instead of trying to gather prominent people around us and receiving the benefits from the group, it is better to bless people who are not prominent and Continue Reading →

Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!

Would you like to understand your spiritual health better? Are you open to serious self-examination? We have created a questionnaire which you can download here Link to PDF of Spiritual Life Questionnaire (It will remain available on our website under Resources/Free Downloads.) We call it the Spiritual Life Questionnaire. We find that this assessment tool will help you understand your spiritual health. The Spiritual Life Questionnaire doesn’t rate someone’s spiritual life but asks important questions for examining one’s own spiritual condition. It is up to the individual to decide how to proceed based on how they answered the questions. If you use it to help others, the questionnaire makes it easy to cover many different topics quickly. One big advantage of the questionnaire is that people will often be more open when answering written questions than when talking face to face. Sometimes there is something they have been wanting to say Continue Reading →

God Exalts The Humble – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11, ESV) This verse encourages us to pursue humility because God exalts the humble. We do not have to worry that we are losing out on something when we humble ourselves. We are not missing advancement when we do not promote our image. It is okay to admit weaknesses and not pretend we have it all together. God exalts the humble and he will bless us one day, and it will be a much bigger blessing than anything we missed out on. So once again we see that setting our hearts on the coming age is essential to kingdom living. How can we grow in humility? Remember how much Christ has done for you and will do for you in the next age. Remember your faults and weaknesses. Think about the ways you have Continue Reading →

God Enjoys Giving Us The Kingdom – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy.” Luke 12:32-33, ESV. After Jesus taught that the Father will provide our basic needs if we seek his kingdom first, then he says that it brings the Father pleasure to give us the kingdom. God enjoys giving us his kingdom. The “kingdom” is the realm where God’s goodness reigns, which we possess in part now and will fully inherit in the next age. And the Father does not give it grudgingly; he does not make it unreasonably difficult. God enjoys giving; he wants to see us blessed. He wants to guide us to the New Earth where there is no pain or corruption anymore. Therefore, we do not need to fear. God enjoys giving us all good things. In fact, if you have wealth then sell your Continue Reading →

What Are The Benefits Of Listening Prayer?

I’ve read that in conversations we should find ourselves listening as much as talking. Of course, this just makes sense – it would be selfish if we were in the habit of listening 30% of the time and talking 70% of the time. But does this apply to our conversations (i. e. prayer) with God? Sometimes. God wants to do good things for us. He wants to speak his words in his way. He wants to continuously transform us into the image of Christ. So wouldn’t God want us to spend time in listening prayer, or at least being in a receptive mode so we could receive anything he might want to say? That’s why the image for this post is someone listening to headphones: they are in receptive, listening mode. It is common to think of prayer time as a time when we talk the whole time. We thank Continue Reading →