The Joy Of Our Future Christlike Bodies – Our Future Christformation Part 1

After Jesus returns all our striving for Christformation will be over and we will finally enter our time of rest (Hebrews 4 and Rev. 14:13). Our internal struggle against sin will be complete and we will experience the overwhelming bliss of perfect peace. No possession on this present earth can come close to the value of our future Christformation. This is why God instructs us to “set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:13, ESV).  Christformation is promised many times in the New Testament. “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom. 8:29, ESV). 1 Corinthians 15:49 states: “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven” (ESV). Philippians 3:20-21 promises: “But Continue Reading →

Why We Love The Coming Appearance Of Jesus

After a life on earth of seeing Jesus “in a mirror dimly” we finally get to see him “face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12, ESV). To see someone is to experience them. We want to see Jesus because we want to fully experience who he is. Why do we yearn to see a loved one whom we have been separated from even though we can talk to them on the phone? Because we want to fully experience them. We want to see their expressions, we want to see their reaction to us, we want to feel their presence. Likewise, we want to see Jesus, who is the human expression of the Father, because we want to see his goodness and the beauty of his perfection. Henry Suso imagines Jesus saying: “All and everything that thou and all men can possibly imagine of form, of elegance, and grace, is in Me Continue Reading →

Anticipating The Defeat Of Evil

We love the future appearance of Jesus because is it the doorway to all the delights of the New Creation of God. One of these blessings is the defeat of evil. When Jesus appears it will mean the end of a destructive and painful world, “in bondage to corruption” (Rom. 8:21, ESV), where all believers and all creation groan, waiting for the redemption, the Christformation, of the people of God (Rom. 8:22-23, 29). Remember that in Genesis 3:10 after Satan had succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve away from communion with God, God made a vow to Satan that Eve’s offspring would stomp on Satan’s head. When Jesus came, as one of Eve’s offspring, he began his kingdom’s assault on the Enemy. When he rose from the dead he declared that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18, NIV). He is “far above Continue Reading →

A Spiritual Counselor Can Change Your Life

A spiritual counselor is a treasure. A spiritual counselor is someone who has the knowledge, experience and maturity to accelerate your Spiritual growth. They are hard to find but they often make the difference between plateau or progress. If I had to choose just two channels of growth, one would be activational meditation on Scripture and the other would be a good spiritual counselor. A good spiritual counselor (whether they call themselves a coach, mentor, or director – we are not referring to counseling for psychological disorders) should hold you accountable in areas of purification and other commitments. They should know how to apply the principles of discernment (which we looked at in the chapter about exercising discernment) to your ideas or to any impressions you think you might have from God. A counselor who just affirms all the impressions you think you are getting from God is not helpful. Continue Reading →

More Guidelines For Discernment (Discernment Part 4)

Last week we gave some guidelines for discernment. This week we present some more specific guidelines for making a discernment decision. The greater the impact on our lives the more we should seek multiple confirmations. At the least there should be deep confidence or a big undeniable confirmation. Impressions from God are generally “gentle, light, and sweet, as a drop of water entering a sponge.” Impressions from evil spirits are “sharp, noisy and disturbing, like a drop of water falling upon a rock.” However, an impression from God can make us anxious, hurt, sad or afraid because of the content of the impression and our normal reaction to it. Thus, it may not bring peace at first and it may take us a while to surrender and accept the message. We should reflect on where the impression would eventually lead us. Is it a good end? Does it please God Continue Reading →