Some Guidelines For Discernment (Discernment Part 3)

We have looked at some importance of discernment in two of our recent posts. Part 1 and part 2. Today we provide a list of some important guidelines for actually doing discernment. In order to improve our discernment we need to be open to impressions from God and step out in faith on the ones that pass the discernment process. In other words, we need to take some risks with ourselves (but be careful with others). Do not use one simple formula for doing discernment. Discernment is not simple and if we reduce it to a simple formula then the Enemy has a great opportunity to deceive us. Some people teach that if it sounds like a voice in your head separate from your voice then it is from God. This doesn’t work because your mind can create voices inside itself that sound like someone else is conversing with you. Continue Reading →

Christians Should Judge?! (Discernment Part 2)

Last week our post on discernment was “Discernment is the guardian of the soul.” This post takes a look at discernment as described in the New Testament. Depending on the bible translation, several different Greek words are translated as “discernment” in the New Testament. The various words all have the sense of the word “judge” and most instances are based on the Greek word krino which means to judge. But aren’t we supposed to avoid judging? In Matthew 7:1 Jesus told his disciples not to judge lest they be judged. However, this does not appear to mean that we should never judge others, for in verse 5 he says that once we get rid of our own fault we can then see clearly (in other words, judge) to take the “speck” from someone else’s “eye”. Also, in verse 6 he explains that we shouldn’t throw our “pearls” (wisdom, etcetera) before Continue Reading →

God Will Honor Us! – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

‘My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:26, ESV. Jesus promises that when we become the servant of Jesus then the Father will honor us one day. God originally made humans with honor and he wanted this honor to grow. He made us in his image and though it is broken he gave us a new self with a restored image of God. This is our true self and one day it will be fully developed. Scripture states in many places that God will honor us, usually by saying he will glorify us! (For example, Matt. 13:43; Rom. 8:17, 21; 2 Cor. 4:17; Col. 3:4; Phil. 3:21; 1 Pet. 5:10; 2 Pet. 1:3.) Originally, as image-bearers of God we were supposed to be fruitful and fill the earth. We would have been highly honored in this work. In the next age we will have responsibilities such as Continue Reading →

Discernment Is The Guardian Of Our Soul

Discernment is an extremely important skill for spiritual growth. God wants us to constantly discern our world so that we can keep pursuing him. Discernment means being able to distinguish between the influences of God, ourselves, the Enemy and others. Scripture also presents it as the ability to distinguish good and bad (Heb. 5:14). Discernment is our inner navigator on the path of growth. Paul prays for the Philippians: “It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” (Phil. 1:9-10, ESV). Thus, knowledge and discernment are needed if our love is to grow, which is the essence of maturity. Notice that Paul says “all” discernment. Furthermore, discernment allows us to approve and embrace what is good which leads to holiness. Why is that Continue Reading →

Dark Nights Are Opportunities For Deep Purification

In dry times and dark nights when God seems distant, God wants to go progressively deeper in order to purge the corruption we can’t see. In a dark night God shines his light on our impurities so we can see them and let go of them. John of the Cross (b. 1542 – d. 1591) illustrates this with the image of sunlight on a window. If the window is clean then the sun can illuminate the glass and the window shines like the sunlight. If the window is dirty then the window can not shine. The sunlight is the same in both cases; the issue is the cleanliness of the window.[1] Likewise, God’s light can permeate and illuminate us only to the extent that we are “clean”. This echoes Jesus’ teaching: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matt. 5:8, NIV). Throughout our life, God continually Continue Reading →