Overcoming Self-Rejection – Part 1

It is inevitable that we will do or experience things that contradict what we believe to be good or valuable, whether these beliefs come from our conscience or somewhere else. When this happens we have a sense of guilt, although this sense can be dim or even completely buried. This contradiction, or violation then produces a sense of dishonor, disgrace or inadequacy. This is shame. Shame easily becomes self-rejection when we let the sense of sense of dishonor, disgrace or inadequacy become a firm belief about ourselves. Self-rejection means that you have decided that you or part of you is devalued. The longer you live with shame the more likely it will become self-rejection. Self-rejection is self-destruction. In other words, if you don’t deal with your shame in the healthy and loving way God intends, then you will be damaged and crippled in that area. Self-rejection is opposition to God. Continue Reading →

Are You Living Where Christ Is?

The dwelling place of our heart and mind is very important to our growth. This is why Scripture teaches: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col. 3:1-4, ESV). Notice in this passage that our true life is now with Christ. We are united to him so our true life is where he is, which is at the right hand of God. We are united to him in death because we have died like he did. “One has died for all, therefore all have died” (2 Cor. 5:14, ESV). Continue Reading →

The Best Way To Develop Deep Faith

“We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7, ESV). This means we must be willing to accept some blindness. We cannot insist on being able to have spiritual sight about everything. For most of us God has already proven himself in various ways. We do not need to wait for something more to learn to walk in dark faith. We can’t keep going back to convince ourselves of God’s truths. There is a point at which we just start walking into the darkness of faith without any other support. This experience usually keeps cycling on and off throughout our Christian life. We step out in the darkness and eventually the light dawns and we reach a plateau. Later, we walk into another patch of darkness. Gradually, God trains us to connect with him on a different and deeper Spiritual channel. Times of dryness and darkness are our best Continue Reading →

How Do I Deal With Unbelief?

One of the most important keys to developing deep faith is learning to tolerate unbelief in us. This might sound strange but for many of us it is essential. If we have intentional unbelief then we need to attack it; in this post we are looking at unwanted unbelief. The problem is that when we commit ourselves to trusting God then we will find that we have thoughts of unbelief in spite of our desire. And the more perfectionistic we are about faith the more that unwanted unbelief will plague us. These unwanted thoughts just seem to be there whether we like it or not, and in spite of our best efforts to eradicate them. This is just part of being an imperfect human being. Such thoughts come from our old self, from the world around us and from the Enemy. The problem of unwanted thoughts is a major issue Continue Reading →

Learning Faith In Spite Of The Challenges

It is common for new believers to begin with a measure of faith and then develop a moderate level of love for God. After this the believer usually begins to encounter challenges that stretch their faith. Then the questions is whether or not the believer will push ahead with deeper faith. It is not so difficult to develop a strong love for God, even if it is not yet mature. But developing deep faith is a huge challenge that many never overcome. In other words, it is easier to develop love than faith. We see this in human relationships. A mother may truly love her son with all her heart but if he is leading a destructive life she may not even trust him to stay overnight in her house. Trust is something that is earned over time as a person proves themself. We will not risk our well-being on Continue Reading →