Does God Love You Regardless Of Your Good Works?
I feel some fear and trepidation writing this post! I wonder if Martin Luther would pick a fight with me if he read this. And I’m concerned that some hard-core Calvinists will consider this heresy. But I trust that readers believe in the supremacy of scripture, so here goes. The question is, does God love you whether or not you do good works (forgive others, help our brothers and sisters, speak encouragement to our household, help others mature in Christ, etc.)? It is very popular with some to talk only about how important it is to rest in God’s love and grace for us. It is said that there is nothing more we need to do to be accepted by God. Certainly, these things are true in the sense that salvation is by faith only, not works. But if these ideas are the whole message, or sermon, then are they Continue Reading →