Humility About The Things We Have – Imitation Of Christ Chapter Seven

The one who trusts in people or things instead of God is wasting their life. And don’t rely on yourself but rely on God. Don’t trust in your education or the abilities of people. Instead, trust in God who opposes the proud and gives His blessings to the humble. Don’t boost your image with your wealth or important friends. Instead give thanks to God who is the source of all good things. He is the great giver and even gave Himself for us. Don’t think you are wonderful because of your strength or beauty; it only takes one illness or accident to lose them. Don’t be arrogant about your abilities; God is not happy when we take the credit for our blessings. Don’t think of yourself as better than others or God will think worse of you. Don’t be proud about your good works. God knows what is in your Continue Reading →

Weekly Word Of Encouragement – Fellowship With The Blood & Body Of Christ

“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?” I Cor 10:16 (NIV) “Participation” in this verse is the same word that is translated “fellowship” in other places. Thus, we have fellowship with the blood and body of Christ. Obviously, this is a mysterious experience but it is no less real because we don’t know the details. How encouraging is it that we fellowship intimately with Christ in the Lord’s Supper. In fact, this is an example of healthy biblical mysticism, not an escapist ecstatic mysticism that prioritizes experience over truth and love. Application: pick one or two words from the verse that help you and repeat it to yourself throughout the day or week. God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of Continue Reading →

Unhealthy Affections – Imitation Of Christ Chapter Six

Imitation of Christ  Chapter Six – Unhealthy Affections When someone has exorbitant love for something other than God or people it makes them restless. Excessive affections makes someone weak when temptation comes. This carnal person has not died to self and their destructive attachments. Their spirit is weak and they keep looking for worldly pleasure. When they deprive themself of the objects of their affections they become sad and irritable. And when they give in to their unhealthy affections they feel guilty. They also realize they aren’t truly satisfied and didn’t find peace. These attachments or affections keep one from becoming like Christ. Many believers don’t grow because they have so much love for things or their self. Some of these are fine in moderation but their heart is so attached it prevents them from fully loving God. They wonder why they don’t feel closer to God but they ignore Continue Reading →

Weekly Word Of Encouragement – We Are Holy

“But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” I Cor. 6:11 (NLT) When we believed on Jesus God made us holy. That may seem strange when we see the unholiness in our lives but the key is understanding the “already/not yet” theme in the New Testament. We are already holy, but not yet completely in heart and action. So we can say that we are holy now, for we are saints and we can recline in this truth, even though God is making us more and more pure. Application: pick one or two words from the verse that help you and repeat it to yourself throughout the day or week. God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Continue Reading →

Spiritual Learning – Imitation Of Christ Chapter Five

Spiritual Learning – Imitation Of Christ Chapter Five When we read scripture we should focus on the purpose of the passage, not on ideas for irrelevant debates. We should look for truth and edification. Pointless curiosity often blocks us from gaining from scripture. We stop and ruminate over something that doesn’t really matter instead of moving on to something that does matter. We should read books that are simple and godly as well as some that are deep and challenging. God speaks through many kinds of people; it shouldn’t matter if an author is educated or uneducated. We shouldn’t gravitate to an author’s reputation but rather to the truth that they write. We shouldn’t gravitate to an author’s reputation but rather to the truth that they write. Don’t read to build a reputation for yourself, rather read with humility. And when you find someone who is mature ask them many Continue Reading →