Quality Conversations – Imitation of Christ Chapter Ten
Avoid the tumultuous talk of the world. A lot of talk about worldly things becomes a hindrance. Even when such talk is innocent it puts our focus on trivial matters. How often we regret worldly things we said. Sometimes we talk about pointless things just because we want to have some friendly interaction. But a friendship is more rewarding if we talk about good or useful things. Otherwise, the conversation leaves us feeling empty afterwards. “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt” Colossians 4:6 (NIV) Try to speak words that edify. Don’t just talk about the usual things people talk about. Try to find spiritual friends who want to talk about spiritual things, though not in a false religious way. Spiritual conversation is a treasured aid to growth. Remember that we must depend on God’s friendship first so we don’t try to find in others what we Continue Reading →