Activating Our New Will

Do you find that you lack willpower to make the godly choices you want to make? Do you find yourself repeating the same fault over and over? Perhaps your willpower needs some exercise. When God gave us a new birth this included a new will. Just as our new mind and new affections should grow spiritually stronger so too should our new will. Every part of us should grow more Christlike. If we sharpen our resolve to overcome the Enemy and to control our destructive desires, then we will soon find victory over temptations to our flesh. In this battle it is helpful to avoid wasteful activities and instead make good use of our time by pursuing activities that edify ourselves or others. Also, spiritual disciplines will produce solid growth of our new will. But we must remember to depend on the Spirit as we exercise our new will (Rom. Continue Reading →

Habits For Growth: Encouragement, Commitment, & Self-examination

Our inner virtues should match our outward appearance. This is not just for the benefit of others but also because God knows our hearts and judges our lives accordingly. Thus, we need to take care to walk pure in His presence just as the angels do. Daily spiritual habits will protect our growth. Each day we ought to encourage our hearts to be zealous for God and not lose our first love. Pray “God help me to keep my commitments and serve You faithfully today. Give me grace to love you well today. Change my inner self into the image of Christ.” Our progress will depend on how well we fulfill our responsibilities before the Lord. God keeps His responsibility; we only falter when we fail to keep ours. Thus our hearts must be fully committed each day. Even those who wholeheartedly commit themselves to God fall short sometimes; how Continue Reading →

God Is For Us – Weekly Word Of Encouragement

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Rom. 8:31 (NIV) The answer to this rhetorical question is “no one.” Nobody can actually oppose us and take control of our lives against God’s will. Terrible things may happen to us but God redeems all of it. God is for us. He works for us. He blesses us. He gives us new life inside. He gives us wisdom to navigate our life. He is there and He is strengthening us against all that tries to come against us. Simple application: put your name in the verse instead of “us.” Then say it out loud three times. Believe it. Live accordingly. (Also try inserting your name in all the sentences in this post.) God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!March 21, 2025God Exalts The Humble – Weekly Words Of Continue Reading →

How To Live In Harmony With Our Brothers And Sisters

If we want to live in full harmony with our brothers and sisters in the Lord then it is essential that we learn to die to self in every way. It is not easy to live in oneness with others and to steer away from complaining and grudges. We will be blessed if we learn to live in peace until we die, for Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matt. 5:8 (ESV) Even when we have to work through a disagreement we can learn to do it peacefully and “speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). In order to be faithful in this area we should think of ourselves as pilgrims on this earth. We are just traveling through this place so we don’t have to grasp for coming out on top. Honors and status in this life are not important; instead, Continue Reading →

Predestined To Be Christlike – Weekly Word Of Encouragement

“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,” Rom. 8:29. This promise is barely imaginable! God actually predestined us to be like Jesus. Before we were born God actually decided that no matter what happened to us He would eventually transform us so we would have the same qualities as His Son. We will have all the fruits of the Spirit. We will not have a “flesh” to contend with. We will have joy and friendship in complete abundance. We will have perfect communion with God. Our responsibility is just to keep trusting and moving forward. As we fully embrace and absorb this reality we will be able to set our hearts on heavenly values instead of worldly ones. Application: pick some words from the verse that help you and repeat it to yourself throughout the day or week. God Blesses Continue Reading →