How Do You Value Supernatural Ministry?

Several years ago there was a minister who was a very popular speaker at Pentecostal and charismatic conferences. He was known for his unusual supernatural gifting and older leaders were giving him a lot of support in his ministry. He even went on a high profile speaking tour and many testified to miracles through his ministry. But after a couple years it was revealed that he was having trouble in his marriage, since he was pursuing another woman. Apparently, there had been problems in his marriage for years. His ministry practically dissolved. This makes me wonder how other ministers decided to help promote this person to such a high profile ministry. Why did they think this person was mature enough to be given such influence? Did anyone do personal discipling for him? And why does this keep happening over and over again? In one of the more shocking pronouncements on Continue Reading →

Christ Is In You For Your Destiny – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  Col. 1:27 (NIV)  The mystery is that Christ is in us. Maybe we are used to hearing that Jesus is in us, but if we think about it we realize it really is a fantastic mystery. If you had no knowledge of Christianity and someone told you that the Son of the personal God can live inside you, then you might think they were crazy. Yet it is true, and it is a “glorious” treasure! But it gets better. The fact that Christ lives in us is also a guarantee that one day he will glorify our bodies and souls and bring us into his glorious community and we will dwell in his presence forever. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Continue Reading →

Are We Fully Accepted By God Regardless Of Our Good Works?

Boy do I feel some fear and trepidation writing this post! I wonder if Martin Luther would pick a fight with me if he read this. And I’m concerned that some hard-core Calvinists will consider this heresy. But I trust that readers believe in the supremacy of scripture, so here goes. It is very popular with some to talk only about how important it is to rest in God’s love and grace for us. It is said that there is nothing more we need to do to be accepted by God. Certainly these things are true in the sense that salvation is by faith only, not works. But if these ideas are the whole message or sermon then are they truly biblical? Colossians 1:9-10 states: “We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that Continue Reading →