6 Fantastic Features Of Our New Bodies – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“[Jesus] will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” Phil. 3:21 (NIV) It is extremely encouraging that Jesus will give us bodies like his. Here are 6 fantastic features of our new bodies: We will shine brightly, like Jesus’ body does. We will all be beautiful – no more worrying about what we look like. We will not experience sickness or disease. We will not have to spend time maintaining our body. Our body, soul and spirit will be in perfect harmony. We will have the capacity to see God directly and to be one with him, which is the best gift of all! Exercise: Put your name in the verse above and repeat three times. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!March 21, 2025

God Wants To Bless You In Receptive Prayer

I’ve read that in conversations we should find ourselves listening as much as talking. Of course, this just makes sense – it would be selfish if we were in the habit of listening 30% of the time and talking 70% of the time. But does this apply to our conversations (i. e. prayer) with God? Sure. God wants to do good things for us. He wants to speak his words in his way. He wants to continuously transform us into the image of Christ. So wouldn’t God want us to spend time listening for him, or at least being in a receptive mode so we could receive anything he might want to do? That’s why the image for this post is someone listening to headphones: they are in receptive, listening mode. It is common to think of prayer time as a time when we talk the whole time. We thank Continue Reading →

We Are Citizens Of Heaven – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Our citizenship is in heaven” Phil. 3:20 (NIV) In Philippians chapter 3 Paul is making the point that our hearts should not be set on earthly things, but rather we should be humble like Jesus and embrace the way of the Cross. We should not prioritize worldly benefits. This is because we are actually citizens of another land: heaven. Our supreme citizenship is not planet earth, but rather that place where God and his goodness completely permeate all things. How much better to be citizens of heaven than of earth! Heaven is our home and we have the privileges and blessings of being citizens of heaven. That is why we can follow the way of the Cross now – it is all worth it because we are already citizens of the best place in existence. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Continue Reading →

Do You Have A Spiritual Sweet Tooth?

We all love to feel the presence of God. We love times when we feel his love or joy welling up inside us. We feel free and light or just tremendous peace. But what about the rest of the time when we don’t feel God’s presence or power? Do we find ourselves making every effort to reclaim the spiritual sweetness we had? Seeking spiritual sweetness is okay to an extent. God wants us to feel good and He wants us to feel joy and peace. He wants to be with us as much as we want to be with Him. But there is some things that are more important than spiritual sweetness in the Christian life. Two come to mind. First, submission to God’s will. If we truly want to be in Christ then we should find ourselves seeking God’s will more than seeking spiritual sweetness. God may not want Continue Reading →

God Is Bringing Us To Completion – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Phil 1:6 (NLT) In this passage the Apostle Paul expresses his confidence that God will continue to transform the Philippian  believers because Paul has seen that they have been faithful in following Jesus. They have spread the gospel (1:5) and defended and confirmed the truth of Jesus (1:7). This encourages us who are following Jesus. Whether we feel it or not God will continue to work in us. Even when our circumstances are bad God is working in us. But the best news is that when Jesus returns and we see him then God will finish his work in us. (I John 3:2 expresses the same idea.) In other words, he will make us fully Christlike. We will finally be what Continue Reading →