A World Even Better Than Socialists And Marxists Could Dream

In the 19th century Karl Marx and Frederick Engels presented their strategy for producing an ideal society. It begins by the workers overthrowing the merchant class (“bourgeoisie”) by force if necessary. The workers then confiscate all the private property of the merchants and others. At the end of chapter two of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels claim this will lead to a society where “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” Of course we object to their strategy but their goal wasn’t that far from what Christians hope for. We too await the day when everyone will be free to use the gifts God gave them. It seems God has put this desire for an ideal society into the hearts of humans so that we instinctively know it is the proper place for humanity. Thus, this desire for an ideal society is Continue Reading →

God Values Your Unseen Good Deeds – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“The good deeds done in secret will someday come to light.” I Tim 5:25b (NLT) Paul makes this statement right after mentioning the coming judgment of all lives. So the encouragement in this passage is that God sees all our hidden good deeds and will reward them! This truth, along with our love for God, is why we practice always living our lives in the presence of God. Is not the true test of our godliness the way we live when no one else is around? So we can rejoice in doing unseen good because we are walking with God at that time and He values what we do. And it greatly pleases us that we can do things that make the God of love smile. Exercise: Put your name in the verse above and repeat it three times. God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of Continue Reading →

You Can Have Faith Without Assurance

When I was in high school I was in a great church youth group where I learned much about Jesus. Yet there was at least one curious teaching that plagued me for years. It was continuously taught that in order to know that one is a Christian they have to have feelings of assurance. In practice this conflicted with idea of justification by faith and it was very damaging to me because I spent too much time trying to feel assurance and not enough time just trusting God. The quest for assurance has been a prominent theme in church history. Of course it is good to have assurance of salvation and assurance of God’s scripture in our lives. But it is more important to have faith. And it is important to realize that it is okay to have faith without assurance. This should be an encouraging word for many. Faith Continue Reading →

The Training Is Worth It – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” I Tim. 4:7b-8. “Godliness” is another word for Christlikeness, which is God’s top priority in our lives. This passage encourages us that all the effort we put into becoming godly, or Christlike, is more than worth it. Why? Because of God’s promise that in eternity we will be rewarded for our godliness! In the New Creation God will give us blessings for our godliness, and these will be blessings that will be valuable to us in eternity. That is why we “toil and strive” (I Tim. 4:10) now. We are not passive, we do not only receive. Rather, we make efforts, we apply our willpower which has been born again, but always dependent on the Spirit. Some Continue Reading →

Freedom In Relationships Through the Chasm

The purpose and destiny of all we do is the community of love with God and His followers. This community is supposed to begin now, on earth, in our Christian fellowship. And one of the fundamental principles of Christian fellowship is the division we make between guilt and condemnation. This division gives us great freedom, even outside the body of Christ. As Christians we make a big distinction between guilt and condemnation. We know that we are guilty of sin  but we also know that God does not condemn us. Romans 8:1 states “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” There is no punishment for us except the natural consequences (e. g. jail for crimes). So because of Jesus’ death there is a huge chasm between our guilt and our condemnation. Normally, when someone is judged guilty of a crime then we say they Continue Reading →