Sinner? – You Are Qualified To Be Saved – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” I Tim 1:15b (ESV) Paul called this a “saying”, apparently used in the early church. Whenever we are struck by our sins and sinfulness we can recall this saying from the early church. Of course, we should allow remorse and repentance to come over us when we sin. But afterwards you can remind yourself that Jesus came to save sinners including the foremost sinners. So if you are a sinner then you are qualified to be saved! Application: Put your name in the verse and repeat 3 times. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!March 21, 2025

How To Discover Someone’s Spiritual Condition

Would you like to know the spiritual condition of the people you help? Or examine your own spiritual condition? We have created a simple form for that which you can download here! (It will remain available on our website.) We call it the Spiritual Life Questionnaire. We find that this simple assessment tool is very helpful in quickly discovering where someone is spiritually. It also makes it easy to cover many different topics quickly. The Spiritual Life Questionnaire doesn’t rate someone’s spiritual life but asks the important questions for examining one’s own spiritual condition. It is up to the individual to decide how to proceed based on how they answered the questions. People will often be more open when answering written questions than when talking face to face. Sometimes there is something they have been wanting to say and they are willing to say it on paper. More importantly, an Continue Reading →

We Can Face All Things – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me’ Phil. 4:13 (ESV) Paul makes this statement after explaining how he has discovered the secret of facing hunger as well as abundance, dishonor as well as honor. So Paul teaches us a promise from God – we can face anything and get through it because God strengthens us! We can do all things we need to do and still retain integrity and our relationship with God. Even if we fail at something we can get through it if we depend on God’s strength. Think of the biggest challenge you face now and anchor yourself to the solid rock of God’s promise that he will empower you to face it and grow from it. God will turn it into a blessing. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, Continue Reading →