Freedom Makes Us Secure For Obedience – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“But if you look carefully into the perfect law [word of God] that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” James 1:25 (NLT) Here God encourages us that when we obey God’s word we will be blessed. This is a simple but big promise. The verse reminds us that God set us free by His word, and by this I believe he means God set us free from sin and bondage to worldliness. He brought us to the free realm of the kingdom of God. Thus, we don’t need to fear any sacrifices we make to obey God’s word, because we are always free and always share in His goodness. Application: put you name into the verse and repeat it three times. God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of Continue Reading →

God Promises Wisdom For Our Decisions – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5 (ESV) God wants to give us wisdom, which means knowing the good thing to do in various situations of our lives. We all face difficult decisions, sometimes they are small and sometimes they are big. If you have a decision to make and it is not yet clear what to do, then God encourages you to ask Him. He wants to give you guidance. So spend some time praying and asking. Ruminate with God over your options. Read relevant scripture. Spend time listening in quiet receptivity before God. And take advantage of the wisdom of other believers and seek out someone who can give good advice. If we seek Him in faith He will give “generously to all.” Application: Put your name in the verse Continue Reading →

The Unusual Humility Of William Seymour

In 1906 something very unusual began happening in a small meeting in Los Angeles. People testified that the Spirit of God was coming upon them and filling them with joy and power and praise for God. Their lives were transformed. It was the beginning of the Azusa Street Revival which was the leading contributor to the biggest movement in the Christian church in centuries: Pentecostalism. It was also the second largest social movement of the 20th century after communism – and unlike communism it was still skyrocketing by the end of the century. In the year 2000 over 500 million Christians worldwide considered themselves Pentecostal or charismatic. The pastor of the church that hosted these meetings on Azusa Street was a black man named William Seymour. The meetings were filled with whites as well as blacks and many other nationalities. As news of the meetings spread many ministers spoke against Continue Reading →

Truth That Reigns Above All Others In Love – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true” I Jn 5:20 (ESV) Today there is an explosion of different ideas and philosophies that claim to tell us what is true. Many are versions of the idea that the only truth is what you choose, or what is inside you. This idea just leads to narcissism which is why we see so much self-centeredness and destructiveness in the world. But Jesus gave us understanding. He showed us God’s truth so that we could stay anchored in reality. And God’s reality is that He loves us and leads us to love one another and grow communities (churches) that shine with His light. This truth is higher than every “truth” that others claim. His truth frees us from self-centeredness and connects us to Himself so we can Continue Reading →

Does God Seem More Distant? It’s An Opportunity!

God is very big on faith. It is the way we connect with Him and it is even the way we are saved. In  human relationships faith, or trust, is a precious commodity as well. We might love someone with all our heart but still not trust them because we deem them untrustworthy. A mother may be willing to die for her wayward adult son, but not trust him enough to let him live with her because of his destructiveness. But God is not destructive, just mysterious and challenging, and trusting Him takes time. This is why He goes to great lengths to develop faith in us. After we have been following Jesus for several years God will typically take away our sense of His presence in order that we might learn deeper faith. He does this because He loves us and wants to be more united with us. And Continue Reading →