Nothing Keeps God From Helping Us – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Heb. 13:6 (ESV) Here God promises to help us. Maybe we will have to persevere for awhile but God will help us if we keep trusting Him and keeping our focus on Him. We do not need to fear because God will protect the most important things in our life: our soul, our relationship with Him and our destiny. No person and no spiritual power can take those away from us. Nothing can “separate us from the love of God,” Rom. 8:39. The Consequences Of Guilt And CondemnationMarch 28, 2025God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!March 21, 2025

Is Victory Over Your Faults Beyond Your Character?

Have you noticed how sometimes the reason we can’t rid ourselves of a fault is because we haven’t fully intended to do it? We make some mild efforts to change but they don’t work. Then one day we decide to put our full effort into it, ask for God’s help, and presto – the fault is gone! But we also have another kind of experience with out faults: failure, in spite of all our efforts. “I keep trying to stop doing this, but it doesn’t work.” We’ve probably all said this at some point. We want to rid ourselves of a fault so we ask God for help, read books, study Scripture, and exercise our willpower but nothing works. And the fault lives on. Why do we have such different experiences with becoming holy? Because some changes are within our character and some are not. What do I mean by Continue Reading →

God Does Not Forsake Us

“I will never leave you nor forsake you” Heb 13:5b (ESV) Sometimes when things go wrong and we are not feeling God’s comfort it is easy for thoughts to come in that God is not really paying attention to us. We wonder if we did something wrong, or if God is just letting us suffer with no help, or if there is something wrong with us so that we are disconnected from God. But this verse promises us that God will not leave us and He will not push us away. Of course, other passages explain that He is displeased with us if we are persistently sinning without repentance. Otherwise, He is there and caring and the suffering will have a benefit if we let it. (Heb. 12:10-11). Our responsibility is to trust His word even though it is dark. One day we will see the good that comes out Continue Reading →

Courage To Embrace The “Unpleasant” Truths Of Scripture

This morning I was reading a book by a famous spiritual formation author. In it he talks about “finding the Christ dwelling within us.” Since this was ambiguous I searched to find out if the author believed in the necessity of repentance and the new birth. Instead, I found statements like “Your belovedness precedes your birth…You are fully loved because you belong to God for all eternity. That’s the truth of your identity. That’s who you are. And you can reclaim it at any moment.” So I searched the book (with the Kindle search function) for the words “sin” or “repentance” and they were not found. I could not find a mention of the final judgment of God on human lives. Obviously these ideas could be expressed in different words but I did not find any mention of natural human rebelliousness or of the need to recognize our sinfulness and Continue Reading →