Do You Desire Deeper Friendships? Part One
Do you ever feel like you want some close spiritual friends you can tell your life to? Are you feeling a hole in your spiritual life where close friends should be? This is because we were designed to have close spiritual friends in mutually edifying relationships where we can reveal our true self and be channels of God’s grace. The New Testament refers to this as fellowship; the Greek word is koinonia, which literally means participation. What does the New Testament teach about fellowship? One of the principles we observe in the Apostle Paul’s life is that we should support one another especially in troubled times. This is stated plainly in Galatians 5:2: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (ESV). This implies that we actually let other people know what our burdens are! Think about how often we don’t do this. How often do you Continue Reading →