God’s Glorious Mission In You
Is it a burden or privilege that God wants us to become like Christ? Isn’t it is a privilege that he provides a way for us to become New Adams and New Eve’s in the image of the second Adam, Jesus? In fact, it is astonishing that we can start doing that now. As soon as we are born anew we can start progressing towards being someone fully governed by the Spirit, full of peace, harmony, light and love. Let’s look at some passages about becoming like Christ. In Galatians 4:19. Here Paul told the Galatians that he was “in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you” (ESV). Paul’s goal is that Christ would actually be formed in the readers. Christformation is his goal and he feels like he is in labor. It takes time and effort in order for Chrisformation to happen, it is a continuous process. Continue Reading →