How Do I Deal With Unbelief?

One of the most important keys to developing deep faith is learning to tolerate unbelief in us. This might sound strange but for many of us it is essential. If we have intentional unbelief then we need to attack it; in this post we are looking at unwanted unbelief. The problem is that when we commit ourselves to trusting God then we will find that we have thoughts of unbelief in spite of our desire. And the more perfectionistic we are about faith the more that unwanted unbelief will plague us. These unwanted thoughts just seem to be there whether we like it or not, and in spite of our best efforts to eradicate them. This is just part of being an imperfect human being. Such thoughts come from our old self, from the world around us and from the Enemy. The problem of unwanted thoughts is a major issue Continue Reading →

We Will Share In God’s Happiness – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matt. 25:23 (NIV). This is a tremendously encouraging promise because God is promising to reward all our efforts at following and loving him by letting us share in his happiness. We will participate in the goodness of God and taste God himself. This is a fulfillment of the kingdom of God that he wants to give to his people. We only have part of the kingdom now but then we will experience the whole kingdom of God. All our sacrifices, all our holiness, all our faithfulness will be more than rewarded but the greatest bliss possible. What Is A Mature Christian?February 21, 2025Loving The Beauty Of HolinessFebruary 17, 2025Correcting Fellow BelieversFebruary 14, 2025

Learning Faith In Spite Of The Challenges

It is common for new believers to begin with a measure of faith and then develop a moderate level of love for God. After this the believer usually begins to encounter challenges that stretch their faith. Then the questions is whether or not the believer will push ahead with deeper faith. It is not so difficult to develop a strong love for God, even if it is not yet mature. But developing deep faith is a huge challenge that many never overcome. In other words, it is easier to develop love than faith. We see this in human relationships. A mother may truly love her son with all her heart but if he is leading a destructive life she may not even trust him to stay overnight in her house. Trust is something that is earned over time as a person proves themself. We will not risk our well-being on Continue Reading →