The Son’s Future Harvest – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” Mark 13:26-27 (ESV). Jesus promises to return to earth and this time he will return with great power. We think of Jesus as living a powerful life when he was here, but it won’t compare to his second coming when he comes with overwhelming power. The power of the Son will not be confined or partially hidden. What’s more, he will also come with glory which means that his majesty and goodness will be fully displayed and it will be the greatest glory the world has ever seen. But the best part is that he will gather up all the people that he has elected in Continue Reading →

How To Accept Yourself -Overcoming Self-Rejection – Part 3

For the last two weeks we have been looking at overcoming shame and self-rejection. The first week is here. Last week we began a practical process for doing this. This week we continue with that process as we work through the key step of forgiving and accepting your younger self, which is step 5. Step 5: Forgive and accept your younger self. If one of the issues is that you believe your younger self committed a sin then go through the process of forgiving them outlined below. Remind yourself that everyone is sinful and needs forgiveness. Speak directly and out loud to your younger self. Common sins include: becoming involved in sexual matters (for example, “playing doctor,” or disrobing in front of friends); the child did not stop the abuse against themselves (even though this might have been impossible, the adult still holds this as a grudge against the child); Continue Reading →

The Last Shall Be First – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“But many who are first will be last, and the last first. ” (Mark 10:31, NIV) This is one of the most encouraging promises Jesus ever made. He makes it clear that achievement in this life is not a requirement for everlasting happiness. Many who accomplish great things in this life and receive honor from the world will find themselves in last place in the next life. But many who are last in this life will have the greatest honor and privilege in the next life. Of course, we should pursue excellence in whatever our vocation is, and sometimes we will receive honor in this life. But eternal honor is based on how we follow Christ and follow his instructions for treating others. This life is short and so our indignities are brief compared to the eternal glory God is waiting to shower on us. What Is A Mature Christian?February Continue Reading →

Overcoming Self-Rejection – Part 2

Last week we began to look at the problems of shame and self-rejection. This week we will look at specific steps for healing these areas. In general, the process begins by finding solitude (or find someone to guide you) for at least an hour. Then you ask God to reveal any self-rejection and then open your heart and mind and be aware of anything that comes. Then view yourself at a time or times in your life. Reflect on how you view yourself. Then when self-rejection comes up then you nullify it by accepting yourself as you are. The specific steps are as follows are below, but this is only half of the process. Next week we will present the remainder. Preparation: It will be best to set aside at least an hour in silence and solitude. Please be certain about being in a place of silence without interruptions. It Continue Reading →