How To Suffer – Part 2

Last week we looked at ten tips for walking through suffering with God. This week we present ten more. God uses suffering to reveal our hidden corruption. Notice the new insights about yourself that the pressure of suffering brings to the surface. Seek God for help with what suffering reveals. Develop a better understanding about the ways in which fear influences your life. Suffering often generates fears. Don’t dwell on the pain. Focus on other things. Continue doing your tasks. Do not indulge in sin! Do not go back to your former destructive habits! Fight them every way you know how. Find someone to hold you accountable. Many people ruin their Spiritual lives with these former sins and it takes them years to recover. Do not start believing lies. Do not let your thinking get scrambled or drift from Scripture. Do not believe that God does not love you or Continue Reading →

How To Suffer – Part 1

Following is a list of guidelines for walking through suffering with God. Find the ones that are helpful to you. Focusing on destiny helps to overcome trials. Spend a couple of minutes each day picturing your destiny in the perfect community of love with God and his followers. Honestly express your heart to God. Find Psalms or other passages that express your heart and use them to pray to God. If you are truly angry with God then respectfully express it to him with your emotions. Spend at least 20 minutes in solitude twice a week in order to become aware of the thoughts and feelings that are coming up inside. You can just sit and let them come or ask yourself some questions. When they come up then you can begin to process them. This will help keep the flow of your heart flowing freely and not bottled up. Continue Reading →

God Exalts The Humble – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11, ESV) This verse encourages us to pursue humility because God will reward it. We do not have to worry that we are losing out on something when we humble ourselves. We are not missing advancement when we do not promote our image. It is okay to admit weaknesses and not pretend we have it all together. God will bless us one day and it will be a much bigger blessing than anything we missed out on. So once again we see that setting our hearts on the coming age is essential to kingdom living. God Blesses You For Blessing The Needy – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 24, 2025Understand Your Spiritual Health Better!March 21, 2025God Exalts The Humble – Weekly Words Of EncouragementMarch 17, 2025

Why Do The “King’s Kids” Suffer?

Under the old covenant God promised much prosperity to his faithful followers instead of suffering. But under the new covenant God promises suffering to his true followers. Why the change? Shouldn’t we have more prosperity now that the Son has died for us? The answer is no because we live in the overlap of this present age and the age of the kingdom of God. Since the fulfillment of the old covenant by the new covenant of the kingdom the followers of God no longer need success in this world in order to fulfill the mission of God. He sends us to penetrate every culture but not with external political power, rather, with the internal power of the Spirit. All are invited to join God’s kingdom but people are also free to reject God and pursue destructive lives. This means that we still live in a destructive world that inflicts Continue Reading →

God Takes Joy In Giving Us His Kingdom – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy.” Luke 12:32-33, ESV. After Jesus taught that the Father will provide our basic needs if we seek his kingdom first, then he says that it is the Father’s desire to give us the kingdom. The “kingdom” is the realm where God’s goodness reigns, which we possess in part now and will fully inherit in the next age. And the Father does not give it grudgingly; he does not make it unreasonably difficult. He wants to see us blessed. He wants to guide us to the New Earth where there is no pain or corruption anymore. Therefore, we do not need to fear. It brings God great joy to give us all good things. In fact, if you have wealth then sell your possessions and give to the Continue Reading →