5 Mighty Motivations For Pursuing Holiness
The path of holiness can be daunting but God empathizes and encourages us with powerful motivations. Here are five motivations for seeking holiness. The first and biggest reason is that our Christian life should be powered by love for God. If we think of purification as something we do only because God asks us to then our motives are out of order. God wants us to want him because he is our good Father who gives us true life and everything else pales in comparison. Paul told the Corinthians that “I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:2, ESV). This is why we cooperate with his purifying fires: we are yearning for our wedding day. The second reason is similar to the first. Since we are destined to live as perfected new Adams in an eternal community of love Continue Reading →