Some Guidelines For Discernment (Discernment Part 3)
We have looked at some importance of discernment in two of our recent posts. Part 1 and part 2. Today we provide a list of some important guidelines for actually doing discernment. In order to improve our discernment we need to be open to impressions from God and step out in faith on the ones that pass the discernment process. In other words, we need to take some risks with ourselves (but be careful with others). Do not use one simple formula for doing discernment. Discernment is not simple and if we reduce it to a simple formula then the Enemy has a great opportunity to deceive us. Some people teach that if it sounds like a voice in your head separate from your voice then it is from God. This doesn’t work because your mind can create voices inside itself that sound like someone else is conversing with you. Continue Reading →