God Is Our Fortress – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” Psalms 9:9 (NLT) In this world we will have troubles (John 16:33) but God’s promise is that he is our fortress in these times. What kind of fortress would God be? He created the universe with billions of galaxies and trillions of stars. If he is our castle, our defense, when trouble or oppression comes then who or what can break through that defense? Nothing. It is true that God allows suffering in this age of his inaugurated kingdom; he allows this for our Christformation and to shine his goodness to others. We must share in the sufferings of Christ. Yet in all these things, he still preserves us. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil [one]” (2 Thess. 3:3, NIV). He makes all things work together Continue Reading →

Why Will God Destroy Unbelievers?

The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that God will punish and destroy those who have not followed him (for example, see Matt. 7:13-14; 7:19; 13:40-42; 25:30; 25:46; Mark 9:47-48; Luke 12:46; 13:28; 16:22-24; 20:47; Rom. 2:5-10; 2 Thess. 1:6-9; Heb. 6:8; 10:26-27, 39; James 5:20; Jude 1:13; Rev. 11:18; 20:15.) This may be the more difficult to accept than any other teaching in Scripture. Why would God issue a sentence of destruction on billions of people? Consider the fact that they lived their whole lives without ever pursuing the opportunities they had to find God in Christ. To begin with, God created humans in such a way that they are responsible to seek him. Acts 17:26-27 explains: “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they Continue Reading →

God Hears Our Tears – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“The Lord has heard the sound of my weeping” (Psalms 6:8, ESV). We don’t have to be consciously communicating with God in order for him to hear us. Of course, he wants us to pour out our hearts to him in conscious prayer and this is our lifeline. But when we abide in Christ then he is our Father who hears us when we cry and that moves his heart. He is like an earthly father who hears his child sobbing in their bedroom and goes to the door to listen for the reason. Will not the father try to rectify the situation in order to relieve the suffering? In the same way our heavenly father hears our tears and they move him to action. Maybe he will rectify the problem or maybe he will comfort us in our pain, reminding us of our ultimate destiny. Either way, he cares Continue Reading →

Anticipating The Defeat Of Evil

We love the future appearance of Jesus because is it the doorway to all the delights of the New Creation of God. One of these blessings is the defeat of evil. When Jesus appears it will mean the end of a destructive and painful world, “in bondage to corruption” (Rom. 8:21, ESV), where all believers and all creation groan, waiting for the redemption, the Christformation, of the people of God (Rom. 8:22-23, 29). Remember that in Genesis 3:10 after Satan had succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve away from communion with God, God made a vow to Satan that Eve’s offspring would stomp on Satan’s head. When Jesus came, as one of Eve’s offspring, he began his kingdom’s assault on the Enemy. When he rose from the dead he declared that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18, NIV). He is “far above Continue Reading →

Wrapped Up In The Favor Of God – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield” (Psalms 5:12, ESV). In the same way that a shield covers our body God’s blessings blanket our soul. Even if our “outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16, ESV). We have friendship with God, he Fathers us and guides us, he guarantees a new destiny for us, his Spirit lives in us, he gives us the inner peace that the rest of the world seeks, he gives us a place in his family with gifts to bless others, he gives us joy because we live in his kingdom. In all these ways we are covered, wrapped and engulfed in his favor. What Are The Benefits Of Listening Prayer?March 7, 2025Do You Crave Spiritual Sweetness?February 28, 2025Gathering With Jesus – Weekly Words of EncouragementFebruary 24, Continue Reading →