We Will Be Beautiful – Our Future Christformation Part 3
We have been looking at our future Christformation into New Adams after Jesus returns. In the past couple of weeks we have looked at how God will give us Christlike bodies and give us his goodness. As New Adams we will also be beautiful. In Revelation 19–21 there are five phrases referring to the beautiful appearance of the saints, the bride of Christ (19:8; 21:2, 11 (twice); 21:18-21.) In that section God appears to be showing off his bride’s beauty and John seems dazzled in 21:11 when he observes that she has the “glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel.” Surprisingly, in the last four chapters of the Bible, the bride’s beauty is extolled more than God’s! This demonstrates his humility and love as well as his desire to establish a community of people that radiate his beauty. Thus, in Revelation 19-21 God is not predominantly interested Continue Reading →