God Delights In Our Well-Being – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“The Lord be exalted,who delights in the well-being of his servant.” Psalms 35:27 (NIV) God is happy when we are well. He is emotional about it; he feels delight, joy. He is pleased when we embrace the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings (Phil. 3:10), for our sake and for others. But I don’t think he delights in how we are feeling when we suffer. Rather, he is forming us so that we can experience complete well-being. He gives us tastes of that now. This is what he delights in. He is like a good father who is just happy to watch his child enjoy playing in the park. He made us to experience well-being and he is happy when he accomplishes his goal. When we become aware of our well-being then we also know that God is smiling with us. This is a foretaste of our eternal delightful vacation with the Continue Reading →

Our Threefold Living Power Supply

It is extremely helpful to get in the habit of daily checking ourselves to see if we are living from the new self, walking in the Spirit and focusing on Christ. I think this is one of the fundamental practices of a believer and if we pursue this divine threefold living power supply we will discover a transformation. We do not succeed in Christformation by focusing on our effort, but rather by focusing on our threefold power supply. We need to commit to pursuing Christformation, but we actually pursue it by abiding in our threefold power supply. We can also mention the Father’s parenting, though he appears to choose to provide his power through his Spirit and his Son. First, remember to live from your new self, which is created in the image of God. Your new self wants healthy loving relationships and especially a union of love with God. Continue Reading →