Blessing For Helping The Weak – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
Blessed are those who have regard for the weak. Psalms 41:1 (NIV) God has a big heart for those who are weak, troubled, needy. That is why he will bless those who help the weak: they are doing God’s work. They satisfy God’s heart to help those who need help. This is one of the defining traits of a faithful Christian, to watch out for weak and determine how to help them. This encourages us because we know that even though we are not benefitting ourselves when we sacrifice our time and effort for another, God will provide a blessing even greater than if we had just focused on ourselves. Thus, the one who loves God by helping the weak comes out ahead of those who do not. Our blessing may not come until the next age but it will surely come and our joy will endure. God Blesses You Continue Reading →