God Hears – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
Evening, morning and noonI cry out in distress,and he hears my voice. Psalms 55:17 (NIV) It is easy to forget that God actually hears the words we speak to him. When I pray I sometimes realize that I am unconsciously thinking that I am sending words upwards and I hope that they penetrate into heaven and that God hears them. But God promises that he hears us. And by “hear” we mean that he gives weight to our words and that they have an effect on him. He is the good Father who listens. Does not God dwell in our hearts through his Spirit? Are we not united to his Son? How could he not hear us? Let us be aware of how we view God when we pray and encourage ourselves that he is listening. Without faith it is impossible to please God! (Heb. 11:6) God Blesses You For Continue Reading →