God’s Astronomical Love – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Psalms 57:10 (ESV) This verse is from a Psalm that David wrote when he had been anointed king and he was hiding from King Saul’s men who were trying to destroy him. In verse four he exclaims: “My soul is in the midst of lions;I lie down amid fiery beasts.” Yet he set his heart on a higher astronomical truth: God loves him and will be faithful to his promise (to make him king). In fact, God did just that and David became the most iconic king in Israel’s history and the ancestor of the Messiah. It worked out well for David when he trusted in God’s love and faithfulness; perhaps it will work out well for us! He really is our loving Father and he really will be faithful to his promises (though we must Continue Reading →

Refuge From Storms – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,till the storms of destruction pass by. Psalms 57:1 (ESV) We all have emotional “storms of destruction” passing through our lives from time to time. They might be COVID, or loss of a job, or loss of a loved one, illness, isolation, current events or just winter blues. If we have several converging at once it can be challenging to maintain peace in our soul. In all these times we can take refuge in the outspread “wings” of God. Picture a mother eagle covering up her chicks with her powerful wings in their nest atop a towering perch, protecting them from any harm. What could challenge this eagle? No other creature could overpower her high atop their perch. No storm will dislodge her. During storms we can set our hearts within the heart of God, knowing that he is all-powerful. Consider Continue Reading →