He Guides Us Even When We Are Foolish – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
I was so foolish and ignorant—I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.Yet I still belong to you;you hold my right hand.You guide me with your counsel,leading me to a glorious destiny. Psalms 73:22-24 (NLT) Who hasn’t felt foolish and ignorant in their walk with God? Who hasn’t gone down the wrong path, listened to the wrong teacher, or said the wrong thing to others? We have all done these things and sometimes we have unknowingly done them for years. But God does not distance himself from us. He does not send us to our room and tell us to get our act together before he will talk with us. For we still belong to him; he will still “hold my right hand.” He stays connected to us and guides us with his counsel. He is the Father who is always there, accepts us with our weaknesses and Continue Reading →