He Gives Loves If We Admit Our Need – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
You, Lord, are forgiving and good,abounding in love to all who call to you. Psalms 86:5 (NIV) We do not have to sin-free to call upon God and receive his love. He knows we sin and he wants to forgive. He is thoroughly good and his forgiveness is part of this goodness. He will not respond to our prayers with condemnation for our faults. Instead, he encourages us by only requesting that we have a repentant heart that seeks forgiveness. And he asks that we admit our weakness and needs by calling on him, trusting that he is the Supreme Helper. If we come to him this way then we can expect him to apply his love to us. If we are suffering, then he will be near us and help us to bear up under it and perhaps deliver us. He will provide peace and hope regardless of our Continue Reading →