The Supreme Goodness Of Loving God

God is populating his kingdom with lovers until the day when he will fulfill all his promises of the kingdom and establish the perfect community of love with himself and his followers. Loving him is our greatest good, and for citizens of his inaugurated kingdom the King’s greatest commandment is to learn to fully love him. This keeps us on the trajectory that culminates in our future spiritual marriage with God on the New Earth. In this way we conform to the core of the image of Christ, for his highest priority is oneness with the Father and love is the bond of that oneness. These are the reasons that loving God is the supreme commandment and supremely important for all of our growth. God’s love for us is the foundation of his goodness to us. Our resulting love for him is the foundation of all our responsibilities toward him Continue Reading →

When God Seems Distant Remember His Deeds – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

And I said, “This is my fate;the Most High has turned his hand against me.”But then I recall all you have done, O LORD;I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. Psalms 77:10-11 (NLT) The Psalmist felt that God had abandoned him, that the Lord had rejected him and would no longer love him: Has the Lord rejected me forever?Will he never again be kind to me?Is his unfailing love gone forever?Have his promises permanently failed? Psalms 77:7-8 (NLT) But then he thought back to God’s great deeds of the past. He remembered that God miraculously brought Israel through the Red Sea (vv. 16-20). Likewise, if you wonder if God is with you and cares for you, remember what he has done in the past. Remember supernatural events that only God could have done. Remember how he rescued you from the kingdom of darkness. This is enough for your faith. It Continue Reading →