Yahweh Is Our Song – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
The LORD is my strength and my song;he has become my salvation.Glad songs of salvationare in the tents of the righteous: Psalms 118:14-15 (ESV) This passage encourages us by reminding us that Yahweh (“LORD”) is our strength, our song and our salvation. In Psalm 118 the Psalmist was thanking Yahweh for delivering him from military attacks by other nations. Yahweh defended him with his strength, gave the nation of Israel salvation from their enemies and moved them to sing songs about their salvation. And we have even more reason to sing of Yahweh’s salvation in our lives. His power raised Jesus from the dead with a new eternal body, then applied that same power to all of us who believe and follow Jesus! He gave us salvation from sin, from the Enemy, and from all the destructive influences in this world. Even death cannot separate us from his overflowing love Continue Reading →