We Dwell In His Presence – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
The upright shall dwell in your presence Psalms 140:13 (ESV) Old Testament Jews yearned to be in the presence of God. The best place in the world for them was Solomon’s Temple, where God dwelt in the holy of holies. Even though they could not enter the holy of holies, they were happy just to be in the courts adjacent to the Temple itself. To be in the courts was to be in the presence of God, and nothing was better than being near the presence of God. In his presence were joy and blessing. Under the New Covenant believers have something much better than the Temple! We have something even better than the holy of holies, which only the High Priest ever experienced. We have the presence of God inside us because we are the temple of his Spirit. Thus, we get to dwell in his presence at all Continue Reading →