Righteousness Brings Life – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life Proverbs 11:30 (NIV) Trusting Christ and following him transforms us into the righteous people God intended us to be. And what is the fruit of that? What are the consequences? Life. In fact, the fruit is an entire tree, which also produces fruit. Our righteousness brings life to ourselves and to others. True life consists of friendship with God, peace, harmony, joy, truth, fruitfulness and eternal happiness. This is what we reap for ourselves and what we bring to those around us. Consider how it gives you life when you are around someone who radiates these qualities. Does it not cheer you up, encourage you, make you feel cared for, and affirm your commitment to good? Likewise, we do the same for others when our righteousness shines upon them. And this encourages us deeply because we see how God uses Continue Reading →