God Will Give You Justice – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
Many seek an audience with a ruler,but it is from the Lord that one gets justice. Proverbs 29:26 (NIV) It is okay to try to obtain justice through other people, such as officials, ministers, friends or managers; hopefully they will be fair. But, much of life is not fair and complete justice for us will not arrive until Jesus returns. Then he will judge all people and their actions and repay everyone according to their deeds (2 Cor. 5:10). Thus, God will give you justice in the end. It is easy to be distressed or even angry about all the injustices in the world or in our lives, but do we really need to embrace such reactions? We see people hurting others or hurting us simply out of selfishness or foolish thinking, and we are tempted to react with retribution. But, God has already promised many times in Scripture to Continue Reading →