Do You Live Like The Wife Of The Lamb?
The most astonishing feature of the next age: we will be “married” to the Lamb (Rev. 19:6-9; 21:2, 9-27; 22:17). Our greatest blessing will be joining to God in Christ. “In the story of redemption and the history of heaven the supreme event for which the ages are waiting is the marriage of the Lamb. The Bible is one long love story and redemption a divine romance of the love of God.” (1) We will be the wife of the Lamb. The bride of the Lamb comes down out of heaven as the New Jerusalem (the city of the saints of God) “having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel” (21:11). Our wedding day will finally arrive and having been clothed in staggering beauty our loving Bridegroom will take us into his heart and ravish us in loving embrace forever. Being Christformed, deep will call to Continue Reading →