Humility Brings God’s Favor To Your Life – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” James 4:6 (ESV) What a huge encouragement to know that humility brings God’s favor to our lives! This is one of God’s most prominent promises in the Bible; this verse is a quote from the Old Testament in Proverbs 3:34. The worldly approach to success is to promote oneself, defeat others, exalt our abilities, etc. But God wants us to humble us so that it is God who is the supreme worker in our lives. If we cling to pride or boastfulness God actually opposes us. Instead, we should adopt an attitude of the heart that reflects who we are before God, which is the definition of humility. If we have a good grip on the immensity and perfection of God, and if we have an understanding of the corruption mixed up inside us, we should be able to abide Continue Reading →