How To Resist Temptation – Part 1
We will always have troubles and temptations in this world. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” John 16:33 (NIV) Moreover, it will be a struggle to resist temptation because the root of temptation is within us, for “each person is tempted when he is lured and tempted by his own desire.” James 1:14 (ESV) Trials and suffering naturally become temptations because they tempt us to doubt and turn from following Jesus. Therefore, if we are having troubles then we know that a temptation is lurking. So, in order to resist temptation we need to be on constant alert to know when a temptation has begun. We don’t need to be anxiously consumed with fear of temptations, but neither can we afford to neglect awareness. The enemy is always prowling around like a lion hoping to sink his teeth into us. “if we are having troubles then we Continue Reading →