Blessed Are The Poor – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Mt. 5:3 (ESV) This is the first of the famous beatitudes which are the beginning of the famous Sermon on the Mount which is considered the core of Christian living taught by Jesus. The poor in spirit are those who recognize that they are spiritually destitute on their own,. Since this sermon is spoken to Jesus’ disciples (Mt. 5:1), Jesus is implying that when we recognize we are not self-sufficient, come to him and follow him, then the kingdom of heaven belongs to us! Even though we are spiritually rich (Eph. 1:3) our posture before God should be one of humility, like one in poverty depending on the generosity of another. This is a matter of our interior life, not our external actions, although later in the Sermon, Jesus makes it clear that without external actions, we Continue Reading →