The Good News Of The Kingdom – Weekly Words Of Encouragement
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” Matt. 9:35 (NIV) This passage reminds us that Jesus brought the good news that the kingdom of God had come to earth and was now available to all people. Finally, 2,000 years after Abraham, God’s realm of reunion, peace and love had come to earth. What could be better news than this for planet Earth? And just in case anyone doubted whether Jesus really brought the kingdom he demonstrated the kingdom with power by healing diseases and sicknesses. This is the good news that we believe in and now taste. Since we are in the kingdom this same power is available to us now! Most importantly, the good news means God gives us the power to be like Christ, to have God’s image restored in Continue Reading →