“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” Matt. 19:29 (ESV). Jesus encourages us that God will reward us for sacrifices made in Jesus’ name. In the 1st century the extended family was all-important because it was your support network. Most people could not count on anyone else. Some people are in the same position today though it is easier for many to leave their network of relatives if they wish. But the principle is the same. When we follow Jesus we will have to leave behind the benefit of certain people and things in our life. It may be that friends or relatives reject us or that Jesus calls us to physically move somewhere else. The promise is that we will receive one hundred times what we gave up! The more valuable the sacrifice the more valuable the reward. Whether this means blessing in this life or the next, or both does not really matter. The point is that it is more than worth it. This promise helps to detach our hearts from depending on this world for our happiness. This sets us free to sacrifice ourselves for others like Jesus did; we are not dependent on their responses or on results. And best of all, we will gain eternal life.