“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Mt. 5:5 ESV). A meek person is someone who is gentle and not argumentative or aggressive. Jesus is our model. When Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey he described his coming by saying, “your king is coming to you, [meek] and mounted on a donkey” (Mt. 21:5 ESV). When Paul was trying to persuade the Corinthian believers to more obedience to Christ, he appealed to them “by the meekness and gentleness of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:1, ESV).
If we have a meek heart then we will not be prone to embrace angry attitudes when we are wronged or when others speak falsehoods. We will learn to be merciful and not give in to our desire to strike back, even in passive ways.
The irony is that the one who is not warlike is the one who will inherit leadership over the earth. In other words, ultimate political victory will not come by the strategies that humans usually use. Rather, God will bring a time when his followers, the ones who do not conquer their home or town or the world by force, will be the ones who will be in control of the world and those who are not meek will be absent. In other words, blessed are the meek. This is a tremendous promise for us when we choose to be meek instead of adversarial and help others get a glimpse of the new world God will make one day. We conquer by not trying to conquer!
How much do you believe God when he says, blessed are the meek? Are you making progress in being meek when wronged?