Think Like A Missionary – Appeal to Their Desires

If your culture seems resistant to Jesus remember to think about what they desire that Jesus fulfills. This is what some missionaries do. So you can ask people: “What if there was a religion that:” 1. Didn’t require any particular organization 2. The writings were in everyday language the average person can understand 3. Isn’t based on people trying to figure out the truth, but on God’s revelation in historical events 4. Is centered on fairness and love 5. Is centered on healthy relationships 6. You don’t have to earn salvation with great works 7. Teaches us to treat all people with respect and courtesy 8. Is not elitist and doesn’t require leaving society to be spiritually advanced. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. 9. God will restore loving community one day and keep out destructive people. By asking these questions you let people decide Continue Reading →

Churches as Compassionate Relationship Centers

In many circles today Buddhism has a reputation for being a compassionate religion. Christianity is not viewed that way. This is ironic since the chief goal of Buddhism on earth is to eliminate desire and avoid suffering which includes intimate relationships that could cause suffering. Jesus embraced suffering , especially sacrificial suffering for others. Buddha believed in compassion but did not value sacrificial love and suffering nearly as much as Jesus . There is no God in Buddhism – it is agnostic. In Christianity we discover a loving personal God. So why does Buddhism have a better reputation for compassion for many people? Is it possible that too many Christians present themselves as adversarial inside and outside the church, that many are focused on defending Christian doctrine and morality with people who aren’t even Christian? Is this okay? Should anyone who has experienced both religions have any doubt which is Continue Reading →

Why Ferguson Riots Might Make Sense – by a white person.

In the mid 20th century wealthier whites moved out of the inner city then carved off the parts of the city with more tax revenues. They added those areas to their suburban cities which left lower income blacks with poor cities. This causes great frustration to see neighboring towns with better schools and better opportunity. Blacks were born into this and grew up with this. Children don’t know why others are better off, they just know they are black and the others are white. This type of inequality has led to unrest for hundreds of years . So when a policeman kills a black person it can trigger the release of the pent up frustration. Even when the officer is justified to use deadly force, residents may react by transferring their anger about their circumstances to the officer and the police. This is unfair to the officer but the blacks Continue Reading →

Houston Mayor Part Two – Exploring Wise Cultural Engagement

What should we expect of unbelievers? In this case it is fair to fight for freedoms guaranteed in our constitution. When the Phillipian officials sent a messenger telling Paul he could leave Paul said ” you’ve beaten and jailed us and we are Roman citizens, we aren’t just going to leave, the officials need to come and release us themselves” Acts 16:37 paraphrase. The officials were afraid because of Paul’s citizenship and rights and they came to apologize. But my idea is that in this particular case , and in every incident, it might be helpful to consider: what is the best way to achieve our goals? Our highest goal (after honoring God ) is changing the hearts of Americans to support religious freedom, if that doesn’t happen our freedom will fade no matter what we do. So in this case when an opponent has overreached like the mayor then Continue Reading →

Houston Mayor Subpoenas Pastors.

I’m wondering if the Houston thing is really more of an opportunity than a problem. Maybe it’s a chance just to be Christlike or maybe if the pastors let the authorities come and take their speeches the pastors will be viewed as victims they are by most Americans and backfire on Houston. Maybe they would be justified in bringing an action against Houston for violation of civil rights, which could cost the city much, which would scare other local governments from ever trying to do anything similar.  I guess I’m just concerned about Christians screaming bloody murder instead of just calmly moving with what is happening and asking and looking for the opportunity God might be giving. Often it’s better to move with your opponent than against them, like in martial arts. Christians are getting a reputation for being shrill in our culture, which could end up backfiring on them. Do Continue Reading →