Anxiety vs. Focus On The Kingdom – Matthew 6:33-34

In 1985 19% of college freshman reported being overwhelmed by all they had to do; in 2016 it was 41%! Anxiety has become a huge social-psychological issue. A New York Times article quotes that “Anxiety is the most common mental-health disorder in the United States, affecting over one third of both adolescents and adults.” Mental health providers report that for youth anxiety is often linked to fear of failure, perfectionism, comparisons to others (often through social media), or difficult neighborhood environments. We all feel anxiety some of the time and some of us feel it much of the time. Anxiety is an issue in every place and time. But the Kingdom of God that Jesus announced was a place where one could become free of anxiety. In his compassion he taught us how to do this. In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus talks about the anxiety of having enough food and clothing. Continue Reading →

A World Even Better Than Socialists And Marxists Could Dream

In the 19th century Karl Marx and Frederick Engels presented their strategy for producing an ideal society. It begins by the workers overthrowing the merchant class (“bourgeoisie”) by force if necessary. The workers then confiscate all the private property of the merchants and others. At the end of chapter two of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels claim this will lead to a society where “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” Of course we object to their strategy but their goal wasn’t that far from what Christians hope for. We too await the day when everyone will be free to use the gifts God gave them. It seems God has put this desire for an ideal society into the hearts of humans so that we instinctively know it is the proper place for humanity. Thus, this desire for an ideal society is Continue Reading →

It’s OK To Be Rejected By Society – Part 2

Last week we saw that it is normal for society to consider Christians intolerant or antisocial and that historically people turn to Jesus when Christians are outcasts and lights for Jesus. So isn’t it best to let go of our need to be viewed as tolerant and progressive and inclusive? Is it possible that our unwillingness to be considered irrelevant and morally narrow is really a desire for worldly approval, even though we say it is for Jesus’ sake? Are some of us avoiding the idea of Christians being separate from the mainstream of society? If we let go of these things we will find peace as well as greater effectiveness for Jesus. Instead, we should remember that we do not need to think of ourselves as being on the defensive. Rather, we are always on the offensive because we are bringing “goodness and light” to the world. Thus, we Continue Reading →

Rejected By The In-Group

When I was in high school the “straight” kids could not be part of the “in-group.” The kids who drank, or partied or did drugs were popular. Off-color jokes and cutting others down also helped. But obviously this was just kids trying to be cool and popular and willing to compromise their conscience. The good kids just had to accept being outsiders. But when the “in-group” kids became adults it seemed that many of them matured and recognized what it meant to live a healthy life. They married and had kids and changed their ways. They became more responsible and less dependent on approval won through foolish immorality. But now it seems the whole country is like a high school. Few actually grow up anymore. Hedonism and boastfulness are the popular virtues. When the “good kids” speak up they just get shoved to the side. They seem so uptight and Continue Reading →

Universalism and Buddhism: What Does Christianity Say?

  This post will help you talk to any of your reincarnation and/or Buddhist/Zen friends about Christianity. It will help you explain how Christianity goes farther and higher in a friendly way. Universalism is a popular idea today. There are different versions of it but the general idea is that God will save everyone eventually. Of course this is an attractive idea; who doesn’t want everyone to be saved? Even scripture says that God is “not wishing that any should perish” (II Peter 3:9). But scripture also says in many places that God will send some people to punishment after He judges them for their destructive, unloving lives. We won’t look at all the verses on that because the purpose of this post is to look at why God takes that view. One of the best ways to understand Christianity is to compare it to other religions. This will help Continue Reading →