The Benefits of Unjust Treatment – Imitation Of Christ Chapter 12

Sorrows and adversities help us realize that we are just pilgrims in this world. We should not become attached to this life. We can not trust in this world. Slander and false accusations against us help us to be humble. When our good deeds are judged as bad we have the opportunity to imitate Christ. When these things come we see our pride rising up and then we can let go of pride, and respond calmly only if it is appropriate. Then we learn look to God’s approval and find satisfaction in that. When we rely completely on God then we aren’t crushed by wrongful words against us. When we lack human encouragement we take comfort in God’s pleasure with us. Thus, whether evil comes from without or within us we learn that God is more necessary than we knew before. Our heart may be heavy and groaning and crying out Continue Reading →

Overcoming Destructive Desires – Imitation Of Christ Chapter 11

How did the great Christians of the past become so godly? They committed themselves to “putting off the old self” (Eph. 4:22) and crucifying destructive desires. This enabled them to completely dwell on God. We naturally pursue our own desires and worldly things that will soon pass away. We struggle to completely defeat even one fault. It is a battle for us to pursue God’s grace every day. This is why many Christians never mature. Our own desires keep us from becoming complete Christians. Our ungodly affections keep us from loving God with our whole self. When troubles surround us we naturally look for worldly pleasures to comfort us. Therefore, we need to be very intentional about conquering our old self. If we think of ourselves as warriors or athletes (I Cor. 9:24-27) and train ourselves to “lay aside every encumbrance that entangles us” (Heb 12:1) then we would make Continue Reading →

Quality Conversations – Imitation of Christ Chapter Ten

Avoid the tumultuous talk of the world. A lot of talk about worldly things becomes a hindrance. Even when such talk is innocent it puts our focus on trivial matters. How often we regret worldly things we said. Sometimes we talk about pointless things just because we want to have some friendly interaction. But a friendship is more rewarding if we talk about good or useful things. Otherwise, the conversation leaves us feeling empty afterwards. “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt” Colossians 4:6 (NIV) Try to speak words that edify. Don’t just talk about the usual things people talk about. Try to find spiritual friends who want to talk about spiritual things, though not in a false religious way. Spiritual conversation is a treasured aid to growth. Remember that we must depend on God’s friendship first so we don’t try to find in others what we Continue Reading →

Our Motives In Relationships – Imitation of Christ Chapter Eight

You should love all people, but don’t share your heart with just anyone. Rather, open up to someone who is wise and godly. Don’t try to better yourself by making friends with important people, rather make friends with the humble and devout. And edify others when you speak. Guard yourself against improper romantic entanglements. Instead, direct everyone to God. He is your primary friend. Avoid any attempt to exalt yourself before others. Others are often not what they seem, nor are we. Thus it is unwise to try to impress others. “make friends with the humble and devout” We might hear that someone is wonderful and think that we should endear ourselves to them. But when we meet them we realize they lack much virtue. On the other hand, we might think others will be impressed by our virtues but they are disappointed when they meet us. Hence, self promotion Continue Reading →

Humility About The Things We Have – Imitation Of Christ Chapter Seven

The one who trusts in people or things instead of God is wasting their life. And don’t rely on yourself but rely on God. Don’t trust in your education or the abilities of people. Instead, trust in God who opposes the proud and gives His blessings to the humble. Don’t boost your image with your wealth or important friends. Instead give thanks to God who is the source of all good things. He is the great giver and even gave Himself for us. Don’t think you are wonderful because of your strength or beauty; it only takes one illness or accident to lose them. Don’t be arrogant about your abilities; God is not happy when we take the credit for our blessings. Don’t think of yourself as better than others or God will think worse of you. Don’t be proud about your good works. God knows what is in your Continue Reading →