Commitment To Follow – The Imitation of Christ: Chapter One

Today’s post is an interpretation of the first chapter of the most popular devotional book in the history of Christianity, The Imitation of Christ. It was written by a monk (or possibly several monks) in the 15th century named Thomas a Kempis. The chapter has been clarified, condensed and changed in a few places, all with the hope that it will be easier to read without losing any of the power of the original. Notice how direct and challenging the author is; this style is not as popular today but does reflect the urgency found in scripture.   Imitation of Christ, Chapter One. Jesus said “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness.” (John 8:12) He teaches us to follow his example if we want to see true light. Let us make it our highest priority to meditate on his life so we know how to follow his example. Those Continue Reading →