Have You Let Jesus Defeat Your Shame?

By substituting for our sin Christ also substituted for our shame. True shame is rooted in our sin or in sin inflicted on us. When humans rebelled in the Garden they became corrupt and they became aware of their corruption. In this way, all of us have shame. Some have a much stronger experience of shame because of life experiences. By curing us of our sin he cured us of the shame that comes with it. His crucifixion was the ultimate shameful event in history and it was the comprehensive payment for all our shame. Since there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Rom. 8:1), there is also no shame to bind us. Our New Adam self is shame-free because it is made in the image of Christ, though our old self might lead us into shame or others may inflict shame on us. When we live Continue Reading →

Do You Have A Habit That Harms Your Relationships?

It is important to take time to consider the ways in which our habits and behaviors harm people around us. The harm may not even be intentional, but if we allow a harmful habit to continue then we are responsible for the damage it causes. Sometimes our habits harm others in the sense that they keep us from projecting God’s goodness and blessing to others as we otherwise could. Our actions obscure God’s light shining through us like mud on a window obscures sunlight. What does God think of this? How will he judge your life? How do you want your biography to read when you enter the next age of the New Creation? So what do we if we have a bad habit that is harming our relationships? What if we have prayed and tried to break it but we can’t make much progress? Obviously, such habits are opposed Continue Reading →

Living With A Wound Of Love

We will naturally desire to experience the sweet love of our Beloved, and this is good. Wouldn’t it be sad if we did not desire this? Thus, our challenge is to desire to experience the love of the Beloved in this life as well as the next, while at the same time completely letting go of control of making that happen and being content if we don’t experience it. Instead, we focus on walking in the Spirit, Christformation and doing God’s will. This is one of the great challenges of the Christian life. It may take an entire life to fully embrace this tension. We should enjoy spiritual pleasure as long as God provides it, as long we as focus on God and not the pleasure. This means we do not cling to the pleasure. The spiritual hedonist focuses on their own will being done (their desire for pleasure) while Continue Reading →

The Supreme Goodness Of Loving God

God is populating his kingdom with lovers until the day when he will fulfill all his promises of the kingdom and establish the perfect community of love with himself and his followers. Loving him is our greatest good, and for citizens of his inaugurated kingdom the King’s greatest commandment is to learn to fully love him. This keeps us on the trajectory that culminates in our future spiritual marriage with God on the New Earth. In this way we conform to the core of the image of Christ, for his highest priority is oneness with the Father and love is the bond of that oneness. These are the reasons that loving God is the supreme commandment and supremely important for all of our growth. God’s love for us is the foundation of his goodness to us. Our resulting love for him is the foundation of all our responsibilities toward him Continue Reading →

Surprise Yourself By Activating Your Will

Sometimes we think we are not able to accomplish Christformation and defeat a bad habit because we need something more when in fact we do not need anything more. God has already provided the strength inside us so it is within our character, or maturity level. If we commit ourselves to it then the change will come. Popular culture may tell us to just be ourselves, or that other people are responsible for all our problems, but Jesus calls us to actively grow up into new Adams who can overcome life’s challenges. A simple exercise will illustrate how your character relates to transformation. Think of a minor bad habit that you want to break. Commit yourself to abstain from the habit for one week while you look to Christ. Most people will find that they can succeed. This is because it was within their character, and they just needed to Continue Reading →