Overcoming Anxious Communication

To build healthy relationships it is important to examine the issue of anxiety in our communication. No matter what type of conversation we are in, it will be very helpful to make ourselves aware of any anxiety we are feeling. Signs of anxiety include stuttering, incomplete sentences, hurried speech and being at a loss for words. Anxiety is a warning light that something is out of order. Most of us feel anxiety in conversations because of insecurity about ourselves and about how others are perceiving us. When our words are influenced by anxiety we cannot be our true selves nor can we connect very well with the listener. Have you noticed that when you are speaking with someone who is insecure it is more work to communicate and more stressful for you? Their fears are veiling their true selves. Likewise, our anxiety puts extra pressure on the listener and hinders Continue Reading →

Do Your Words Edify Others?

It seems like God gave us a superpower when he gave us the gift of speech; he gave us some of his power. God used words to create the universe, including humans and the Garden of Eden. He used words to reveal himself in Scripture and his Son is the living Word of God. Since he made humans in his image, God also gave humans the ability to exercise power through words. But with this great gift comes great responsibility. Jesus warned us: “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt. 12:36-37, NIV). Why such a dire warning?  Because God so tremendously loves the humans he has made and he doesn’t want us harming them with words. Jesus Continue Reading →

Does Your Congregation Have An Evangelist?

The New Testament teaches that God has given people with the calling of evangelism to congregations (Eph. 4:11). Therefore, one of the keys to reaching the lost is identifying and equipping believers with the calling of evangelism and releasing them into society to minister. It is puzzling and self-defeating that extremely few congregations have full-time evangelists on staff. Evangelists must be highly committed to a biblical approach to evangelism. An authentic evangelist should be able to convict others of their sin, their separation from God and God’s coming judgment. They should be able to lead seekers to make an initial surrender to Jesus’ lordship. Evangelists need to understand the culture, be excellent listeners and be able to speak God’s truth so that it shakes listeners to their core. They should be gentle, kind and humble. They should be successful in converting adults individually and not rely on large meetings.  Evangelists Continue Reading →

When Being Honest Is Risky

Scripture teaches that we are to “put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor” (Eph. 4:25, NIV). Honesty is a greater challenge when it comes to pointing out an uncomfortable truth that others are ignoring, which is important for moving to elder-level maturity. For example, if someone we are close to or have responsibility for is harming others or themselves with attitudes, words or actions then do we not have a duty before God to say something? “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Prov. 27:6, ESV). Sometimes we need to speak up even when there is no intention to harm. For example, if our congregation or ministry is having a problem and no effective solutions are being implemented, then we need to speak the truth and point out the negligence. Groups tend to ignore uncomfortable root issues or adopt low-pain solutions that have little hope of success. Consistent Continue Reading →

7 Novel Ideas For Becoming A Transforming Community

Following are some suggestions for helping congregations develop opportunities for members to connect with, or help, each other while at the same time fostering growth. Suggestions for Promoting Growth and Biblical Fellowship in Congregations Find an app that lets a congregation develop a social network just for members so that members can learn about each other and build friendships. Members could post personal information, occupation, hobbies, services they would offer to other members, financial needs, employment needs or opportunities, other assorted life needs, prayer requests, updates on the progress they are making with issues in their lives, and blessings that God has given to them. A ministry to help people break habits. Instead of being a “recovery” ministry, this ministry could teach people how to break all bad habits in their lives. The openness should also help improve bonding between members. Provide an economical way for members to have a Continue Reading →