Living In The Promise Of The Kingdom – Part 3

Our first post in this series, on promises of the kingdom, is here and our second one, on Jesus bringing the kingdom, is here. Jesus gives us authority to do his work the way he worked on earth. We have the Holy Spirit and Spiritual gifts to empower us to invade the kingdom of darkness and conquer it with the kingdom of God. In this way, we begin to fulfill Adam’s original mission to be fruitful and fill the earth while bearing the image of God (Gen. 1:27-28). We are also the seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:29) and we are fulfilling the promise that God made to Abraham: “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen. 12:3, NIV). Now Jesus’ mission is our mission because we are his agents. In other words, God wants to use you to accomplish many of the promises of the kingdom quoted above Continue Reading →

Living In The Promise Of The Kingdom – Part 2

Last week we looked at the prophecies of the kingdom of God and how Jesus began to fulfill the prophecies. In his teachings, especially in the Sermon on the Mount, he declared that he was fulfilling the Old Testament law and the prophets (Matt. 5:17) which included a new way to live that seems upside-down to the world. When Jesus was crucified his disciples were crushed. His death dashed their dreams of the kingdom. But when he rose from the dead they were ecstatic for surely now he would establish the kingdom. And so the apostles asked Jesus “are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6, NIV). He said he would not tell them when the kingdom would be restored, but he did say the Holy Spirit would come on them so they could be his witnesses to the world (Acts 1:8). They were Continue Reading →

Living In The Promise Of The Kingdom – Part 1

It had been hundreds of years since the time of the prophets. They had prophesied that one day God would establish his holy and good rule in the land of God’s people. The Jews were quite aware that their ancestors had constantly strayed away from God’s goodness and that their society had became degenerate and destructive. But in spite of that God was going to establish the pure and joyful kingdom he originally intended in the Garden of Eden and for the Jewish people. The prophecies were in the dim past, but devout Jews still waited for God to fulfill his promise of a coming utopia. In summary, “The prophets looked forward to a day when God’s saving promises would be fulfilled, his kingdom would come, the new covenant would be inaugurated, a new exodus from Babylon would be realized, the Spirit would be poured out on Israel, and Israel Continue Reading →

How Do We Know That We Are Loving God?

After stating that the greatest commandment was to love God, Jesus said that the second greatest commandment was to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39, NIV). He also said “Do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 7:12, ESV). Our love for others compels us to be the ones in our neighborhood who are known as the friendly neighbors always willing to help. Our love for others compels us to be the ones at our workplace who are honest, compassionate and patient with unreasonable bosses. In our recreation our love for others compels us to make friends, understand their hearts and be a source of encouragement. When we love others they aren’t bothered by our Christian holiness; they care about how we treat them. And Jesus asks us to go even further in the way we Continue Reading →

The Inspirational Story Of The Brethren Of The Common Life

This is a story about some people who passionately lived out Christian community. In Scripture we see that God is inviting all people to join his new kingdom community. Since Jesus came and inaugurated this new community God has been calling people to himself and all who have received Jesus are members of this spiritual community. God has been adding members to this community through the centuries. After Jesus returns God will create a new heaven and new earth where all the members will live in the New Garden as God intended. This will be the culmination of the kingdom of God on earth. The story of Gerard Groote provides a good example of the kind of community God desires for his people now. Gerard Groote was born in 1340 in the Netherlands. His parents died of the plague when he was 10 and left him an inheritance. He was Continue Reading →