The Biblical Five-Level Maturity Model – Part 3
This is the third of a series of three posts on the five levels of Christian maturity found in the books of Timothy and Titus. In the first post in this series we discussed the first two levels of novice and deacon. In the second post we looked at elder level maturity. In this post we look at the last two levels: arch-elder and architect. The fourth level of maturity is arch-elder and Paul’s apprentices Timothy and Titus are examples of this level. Paul directed Titus to “appoint elders in every town” (Titus 1:5, NIV) on the island of Crete. Thus, we can say that arch-elder maturity includes the wisdom and discernment to identify godly people to be leaders. This also suggests that they can be entrusted with top responsibilities in multiple congregations, though since we are just looking at maturity level they may not have any formal responsibilities at Continue Reading →