Our Destiny Motivates Us To Holiness

Most of us have areas in our lives we have not achieved holiness. It helps to remind ourselves of how God motivates us to holiness. One way is reminding us of our destiny. Since we are destined to live as perfected new Adams in an eternal community of love with God and his followers, why would we embrace anything that doesn’t fit with our future identity? Why would we resist the restoration of God’s image in us? We long for our full Christformation so we pursue Christlike purity now. In other words, God has predestined us to holiness: “He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him” (Eph. 1:4, ESV). Christ died “in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith” (Col. 1:22-23, ESV). One of the major Continue Reading →

5 Movements Toward Pursuing God’s Will

Last week we looked at committing ourselves to God’s will. Now consider an area of your life in which you wonder if you are doing God’s will. We will go through five steps for examining our hearts and choosing God’s will. This is not so much an exercise in finding God’s will as it is an exercise in guiding our hearts to abiding in God. Five Steps Toward Pursuing in God’s Will We remind ourselves to consider God’s will. We examine ourselves to determine if we are really open to pursuing God’s will. We try to discern God’s will. We ask ourselves if we are now willing to do God’s will. We do God’s will. The first movement is to get in the habit of reminding ourselves to consider God’s will for the decisions we make or attitudes we embrace. This is simply looking to him for his will. Common Continue Reading →

Are You Committed To God’s Will?

When someone mentions that we should do God’s will it can conjure up images of gritting our teeth and forcing ourselves to do something very disagreeable. There is some truth in this but the supreme reason we do God’s will is that we love him and know that his principles for living will produce more life and happiness than anything else. Learning to do God’s will when we don’t feel like it and when we don’t feel God is one of the greatest and most freeing lessons in the Christian life. Remember that the purpose of all of God’s commands is that we would have more life, bear fruit, abide in the kingdom of God and keep us moving in the direction of the future perfect community of love with God and his followers. The directives in Scripture are ideals that we move toward as we are gradually “attaining to Continue Reading →

The Supreme Goodness Of Loving God

God is populating his kingdom with lovers until the day when he will fulfill all his promises of the kingdom and establish the perfect community of love with himself and his followers. Loving him is our greatest good, and for citizens of his inaugurated kingdom the King’s greatest commandment is to learn to fully love him. This keeps us on the trajectory that culminates in our future spiritual marriage with God on the New Earth. In this way we conform to the core of the image of Christ, for his highest priority is oneness with the Father and love is the bond of that oneness. These are the reasons that loving God is the supreme commandment and supremely important for all of our growth. God’s love for us is the foundation of his goodness to us. Our resulting love for him is the foundation of all our responsibilities toward him Continue Reading →

Meditation Is Our Foundational Practice

Scripture instructs God’s people to meditate on God’s words. When the Israelites were preparing to cross the Jordan river into the promised land God told Joshua: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8, NIV). Hundreds of years later this was still practiced; Psalms 1:1-2 promises: “Blessed is the one . . . whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night” (NIV), (also see Ps. 119:25, 23, 78). Meditation is the single most important spiritual discipline in Christian history. It is the central practice followed by the great Christians of the past and is essential to Christformation. Solid meditation includes prayer and walking in the Spirit so it is comprehensive. Below Continue Reading →